RTT, or Real-Time Text, feature that is increasingly being added to Phones. It allows text to be sent between two phones in real-time, similar to how a conversation would happen in a regular phone call. This can be beneficial for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, as it allows them to communicate more easily.

However, RTT can also be quite irritating for people who are not deaf or hard of hearing The constant flow of text can be distracting, and it can be difficult to keep up with the conversation. In addition, RTT can sometimes cause problems with call quality, as the text can interfere with the audio For reasons, RTT can be quite irritating for people who are not deaf or hard of hearing. 

What if you want to remove RTT from your phone? Don’t worry we can help you on this topic. So let’s get started…

How To Remove RTT From iPhone or Andriod?

Remove RTT From Android Phone: First, go to your phone’s Dailpad app and tap on the ‘three dots in the upper corner’ select settings. Next, Scroll down and tap on the ‘Real Time Text’ option and toggle the switch to ‘Off.

Remove RTT From iPhone: First, go to your iPhone’s Settings app and tap on the ‘Accessibility’ option. Next, Scroll down and tap on the ‘RTT/TTY’ option and toggle the switch to ‘Off.’ Once you have done this, you will no longer be able to use RTT on your phone. 

However, please note that this will not remove any existing RTT conversations from your phone’s history. If you want to remove these as well, you will need to delete them manually.

How To Remove RTT Conversations From Your Phone?

iPhone: Simply delete the conversation from your Messages app. To do this, open the app and go to the conversation you want to delete Tap and hold on the conversation, then tap Delete. This will remove the conversation from your iPhone.

Android: First, open the Messages app and tap on the conversation that you want to remove. Next, tap on the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen and select “Delete.” Finally, confirm that you want to delete the conversation by tapping “OK.”

Once you’ve followed these steps, the conversation will be removed from your phone and you can rest assured that your privacy is protected.

How To Remove RTT Conversations From Your iCloud?

You can remove RTT conversations from your iCloud backup by following these steps:

1. Open the Settings app.

2. Tap on your Apple ID at the top of the screen.

3. Select “iCloud” from the list of options.

4. Scroll down to the “Messages” section and turn off the “Messages” switch.

5. Tap “Turn & Delete” to confirm.

This will remove all RTT conversations from your iCloud backup. 

What Are The Disadvantages Of Having RTT Enable On My Phone?

While there are some advantages to having RTT enabled on your phone which I’m going to tell you later in this blog post, there are also some potential disadvantages that you should be aware of. One of the biggest disadvantages is that RTT uses up a significant amount of bandwidth, which impacts your phone’s call quality. Additionally, RTT can also interfere with other apps that use the microphone, such as voice-recognition software. In some cases, this can even lead to dropped calls. Finally, RTT is only compatible with certain carriers, so if you switch providers, you may no longer be able to use this feature.

What Are The Benefits Of Having RTT Enabled On My Phone?

I recommend you learn how to use RTT on your phone since it has many benefits. RTT Enable can be used to send text messages to landlines, making it a useful tool for businesses or other organizations. And RTT Enable can be used to make calls over the internet, which can save you money on your phone bill. Additionally, If you need to communicate with someone who is deaf, hard of hearing, or has a speech disability, you can use Real-Time Text (RTT) on your iPhone. When you make a call using RTT, the other person will be able to see what you’re typing as you type it. This can be helpful if you’re having difficulty communicating by voice.

 Here is How To Turn Back on RTT on iPhone:

To turn on RTT, open the Settings app, then go to Accessibility -> VoiceOver -> Phone. Under the RTT/TTY section, tap the RTT/TTY switch to turn it on. You can also choose whether to enable RTT and TTY simultaneously or separately. If you’re not sure which setting to use, we recommend turning both on. 

Once RTT is enabled, you’ll see an RTT button at the top of the keypad when you make a call. Tap this button to enter RTT mode. Once you entered in RTT Mode Then the other person who has a speech disability can start typing you message. And you can hear what he is typing in real-time.

 Here is How To Turn Back on RTT on Android:

To turn on RTT,  First, go to your phone’s Dial Pad app and tap on the ‘three dots in the upper right corner select settings. Next, Scroll down and tap on the ‘Real Time Text’ option and toggle the switch to ‘on.’ 

Once RTT is enabled on your android phone you can make a call to the deaf or hard of hearing person.


Now you know how to remove RTT from your phone. You also know what are advantages and disadvantages of having RTT enabled on your phone. It’s up to you whether you want to remove RTT from the phone or want to keep RTT enabled on phone. Because both have their own advantage and disadvantages. Let me help you to make it easier if you want your phone RTT enabled and don’t want to use up a significant amount of bandwidth. There are a few things you can do to reduce your usage: 

First, consider using a lower-quality setting for your calls. This will use fewer data and, as a result, reduce your bandwidth usage. You can also try using a VoIP call instead of an RTT call, as VoIP uses fewer data. Finally, make sure that you’re only using RTT when absolutely necessary. If you can make a call without it, or if you can use text instead of voice, you’ll be using less bandwidth and reducing your usage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between RTT and TTY?

RTT and TTY are both terms used to describe communication technologies that allow people with hearing impairments to communicate. RTT stands for Real-Time Text, while TTY stands for Teletype. Both technologies allow users to type messages that are then read aloud by the person they are communicating with. RTT is a newer technology that allows for near-instantaneous communication. While TTY is an older technology that is slower and requires users to take turns typing and reading messages. While both technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages, RTT is generally considered a form of communication people’s hearingments

What is a Relay Call and What is the Difference Between RTT And Relay Call?

A relay call, also known as an assisted call, is a type of telephone call in which communication is facilitated by a third-party operator. This operator relays the conversation between the caller and the recipient, often using sign language or written notes. Relay calls can be placed domestically or internationally, and they are typically used by people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech impairments.

RTT (Real-Time Text) is a type of text-based communication that allows people to have a conversation in real-time. Unlike traditional text messaging, RTT conversations take place in time, similar to a phone call. This type of communication is particularly beneficial for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech impairments.

What To Do If SMS Messages Aren’t Being Sent During RTT Call?

If you’re having trouble sending SMS messages during an RTT call, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure that you have RTT enabled on your phone. To do this, go to Settings > Phone > RTT/TTY and make sure the switch is turned on. If that doesn’t work, try restarting your phone. If you’re still having trouble, you can try contacting your carrier to see if they can help troubleshoot the issue.

What is TRS And How does it work?

The Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a telephone service that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities to communicate with hearing people on the phone. TRS is sometimes referred to as a “relay service.” When TRS is used, a Communications Assistant (CA) acts as an intermediary between the caller and the called party, relaying the conversation back and forth.

Calls made through TRS are confidential and the user’s information is not released to the called party without the user’s permission. In, TRS calls do not show up on caller ID devices.

TRS is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There are three ways to access TRS:

1. Speak and Listen — The caller speaks to the CA, who then types what is said and reads the response back to the caller.

2. Typed Conversation — The caller types messages to the CA, who then reads them to the called party and types the response back to the caller.

3. Carry Over (VCO) — The caller speaks directly to the called party, and the CA types what the called party says back to the caller. This service

Should TTY be on or off?

If you have a speech disability, you may find it helpful to have your TTY turned on. TTY stands for teletypewriter, and it allows you to communicate with others using a text-based system. This can be particularly useful if you have difficulty speaking. By turning on your TTY, you can ensure that you can still communicate effectively, even if your speech is impaired.